Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order:6:30pm Present: Secretary’s Report:Presented by Sarah Treasurer’s Report:Presented by Ryan AD Report: Basketball and wrestling has started. Good numbers out for high school basketball 33 boys and 27 girls. Middle School girls- 9 out for 8th grade 18 out for 7th grade reported. Good numbers out for wrestling, bowling, and archery too. Coaches Open Forum:none Old Business: Athlete of the Month: Both are Cross Country Athletes- Junior Keashon Williams and Sophomore Ashlyn Sauser. Both were presented with a coupon for Pizza Ranch Digital Payments:Ryan, Jim and Chaps have talked and they recommend Vanco. Many schools and clubs are using this businesses to handle transactions and they have a program called Events. There is no contract or monthly fee, strictly just a 4.3% for every dollar that is put through. The company does more than just the processing, they have a platform that we can use to create a QR code. It’s like a website that can keep track of who pays money for what. They also have what they call a ticketing system that we could use if we wanted to make the concessions cashless. A motion was made to go ahead with using Vanco for those who would like to use online payments as another venue for payments. Motion was seconded and carried. Question was asked if Vanco was restrictive in our access to withdrawing money. Ryan didn’t think so , but he will confirm the answer. We are looking forward to using this for our Fall Fundraiser rather than a mailer like we did last year that didn’t get much response and was a lot of work. With the school’s permission we could put up signs in the cafeteria and on the website with this for the Fall Fundraiser. Ryan is good with being in charge of this and will reach out to a few others for assistance. Ice Maker for the Sacred Heart Gym: In the meantime, A motion was made for up to $100 for Ice packs to be ordered to use in the interim. Chaps presented quotes for different sizes/options of ice makers to have at Sacred Heart. There are probably hook ups in the old coaches office to be used. A motion was made to allocate up to $3000 to purchase an ice machine for Sacred Heart, pending school potential kick in. Motion was seconded and carried. Baseball Uniforms: Looking at 12,318.88 for the cost of new uniforms which is required by contract with the uniform company that new ones are purchased every so often. We were supposed to get new ones last year, so we need to get them bought for next year. Cost has doubled in just the last 4 years. A uniform set comes to $219.98. We would order 28 sets for home and 28 sets for away, 25 players and 3 coaches. The school is looking at covering around $8000 pending approval of the logo and added cost of design, and larger size uniforms. The cost total could be closer to $13000. The Baseball fund could cover $2000, so they are asking for $3000 from the booster club. A motion was made for $3000 towards the purchase of uniforms. It was seconded and carried. Tennis: Needing a new ball machine to shoot tennis balls. A motion was made to cover up to $3200 for the tennis machine. They currently have no money in the boys and girls tennis accounts due to purchase last year of warm up jackets. Tony and Cooper expressed willingness to work concessions and do fundraising. New Business: OMS Activity Celebration Event next week: This will be the 3rd or 4th year that they have recognized 7th/8th grade kids that have gone out for activities, such as a sport, band and/or choir. There are 41 kids this year that a pizza trivia night is planned. Afterwards they are invited to go to the highschool basketball game. Open Forum:None Adjourned:7:01pm Next Regular meeting:January 8th 2025
Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday Nov 6th, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Call to order 6:30 Present:Jim, Lindsay, Sarah, Ryan (21 total) Secretary’s Report:Presented by Sarah Treasurer’s Report:Presented by Ryan AD Report:Winter sports and practices will be starting soon. Sports banquet is planned and a celebration for the cross country team. Lape Resigned from coaching Football, Anderson retired from Coaching Volleyball. Thanks to both was expressed for for their years of coaching for Oelwein Congrats to Cross Country. They had 3 State Medalists and the Boys were State Champions. Coaches Open Forum:none Old Business: Athlete Of the Month: Boy-Caleb Schunk Senior in Cross Country and Girl-Claire Prouty Senior Cross Country. Both were presented with a coupon for Pizza Ranch Online Payment: Batting Cages:Discussed progress with Sarah from Lumbar Ridge and need to reach out to Miller Construction to discuss details, determine if project needs put out for bids Stadium Chairs:Due to the high cost of Stadium chairs with logo- this is not a fundraiser we want to pursue. New Business: Boys Basketball: New Basketballs were approved after the budget and the number of balls needed were discussed. A quote of $576 plus freight was given for this Wrestling: New stationary bikes are needed for resistance training, weight loss and rehab-Approved up to $2500 for the purchase of 3 new bikes. Bikes are approx $800 a piece Open forum Tennis Team: needs a new ball machine-DIscussed the importance of the machine for drills and the current problems with the old ones. More information will be gathered and presented at the next meeting. Student athlete leadership team of those who possess good attitude and commitment-Booster club was asked to consider funding for pizza and ice cream to attract participation of students. Senior Seminar Project:Tony Koch & Brady Burkhart presented that a Silent Auction is being planned with the approval and volunteers from the Booster club, Donated gifts would come from the community for a date in January at Amperstand. Proceeds are to go to the Booster Club. Cole Thomas is the Sponsor. More updates to come on cost and specifics.: Adjourned:6:58pm Next Regular Me-eting: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 6:30pm OHS Library Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, Oct 2nd, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order: 6:30 Present: 10 people: Jim, Sarah, Lindsay, Ryan, Terri, Chaps, Yessak, Mistie, Connell, Kendra Secretary's Report: Presented by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Ryan AD Report: Presented by Chaps Seven Varsity players were injured in the last game played. We will forfeit the next 2 Varsity games and have weekly meetings with the High School Association to see if we can continue from that point. Volleyball has about a 500 win/loss record. The NICL Tournament play was just released and Oelwein will play South Hardin at South Hardin. Cross Country is doing really well. We beat #1 rated Denver and will host Districts on the 24th. Staff is needed to work and we hope for State Qualifiers. Middle School FB, VB, and CC has had positive success. Youth is having a good showing. Coaches Open Forum:None Old Business: Online Payment (Fund Drive) Vanco, Bound, Clover, Square were discussed that could provide the service we are looking for. Vanco has a 4.3% fee, No Contract, No Monthly and would cover our basic needs. Bound-Fee unknown at this time, has 2 fundraising stores, the booster family membership and one for business sponsors. Mistie suggested Clover as an option with a 2.6 % processing fee. Many options out there with lower fees for what we need. Card readers, QR codes, and POS systems, and if these Online payment platforms would provide them for use in the concession stands too. Athlete of the Month:Male is Connell Sauser-Senior on the Cross Country Team. Female is Kendra Rechkemmer-Senior on the Volleyball Team Batting Cage at Sports Complex: There were a number of obstacles approaching it through the school board. We are now talking about doing it as a capital funds project for our Fall Fundraiser. The City was contacted as they are the land owners and seemed very receptive. We Have a AutoCAD sketch of the building. Sarah Scheels is working on getting us the information we need before we can get approval from the Park Board. As it will be fully funded by the Booster Club and is on the property that the school maintains and will be adding value to the property at no cost to them we expect this to be able to move forward. Once We have the Park Board approval we can go to the City Council for approval. Lumber Ridge said they could provide the materials at cost as a donation and Miller Construction said they would be interested in doing the job the same, as well as Manatts for the concrete. We will pursue that further with them when we have more numbers so that they can make an informed decision. New Business: Girls Basketball requests money for 12 basketballs at approximately $1000. Their funds are depleted with the recent purchase of new uniforms. There are approximately 30 girls out and are much needed. Motion approved with utilizing the $400 the girls BB program earned working concessions. Open Forum:Mistie from Blackbird Coffeehouse donated a $1000 to the Booster Club from a fundraiser she ran for us. The Booster Club would like to provide a meal for every sports team through out the year, Some can be boys and girls together like Cross Country, Golf, and Tennis. Approved Adjourned: 7:08 pm Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday Nov. 6th, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Oelwein Booster Club minutes
Wednesday Sept 4th, 2024 6:30 OHS Library Call to Order: 6:30pm Pesent: 21 people Jim, Lindsay R, Ryan, Sarah, Chaps, Mohlis, Lindsay K, Mindi, Terri, Burkes familyx4, Kenzie See and mom, Collin, and others Secretary’s Report: Presented by Sarah Treasurer's Report: Presented by Ryan Balance is almost $46,000 right now. Summer Concessions did very well and largely accounts for the increase of funds. Approx 11,000 of expenses need to be paid out yet to Concession group workers, and for Softball Uniforms, Football Headsets, and Down Markers. Bills for these items are to be turned into Glenda first and then Ryan will get those taken care of. AD Report: Presented by Chaps. A successful number of kids have been coming to the weightroom, 50-60 athletes today. Cross Country had a meet and it went really well, approx 44 kids. Good numbers are out for volleyball and football also. 35 kids are out for MS Football. Coach’s Open Forum: none Old Business: Athlete of the Month: Summer Athlete’s are Landon Whitiker a Sophomore Baseball player and Kenzie See a Junior Softball player. August Athlete’s of the Month are Andrew Kitchen, a Senior football player and Hayley Burke, a Junior volleyball player. All received 29 Nutrition certificates and pictures were taken. Sponsorship by 29 Nutrition will be ending soon and a new sponsor is being sought out. Summer Concessions made $4,589 even with the purchase of a new ice maker($2500). That is twice as much as was made last year with no ice maker purchase. Thanks to Lindsay R and Lindsay K in their role in this profit made, and others who played a role. New Business: Stadium Chairs: Sarah Has offered to look into stadium Chair sales for the Booster Club: the interest and pricing Online Digital Payments: Conference is largely moving forward with digital payments for games. Ryan, Chaps and Josh have been emailing. Financial aspects discussed. Bound offers more options we could be using with their app. Discussion for a new American Flag: The current flag hanging is worn looking. A Flag Drop was discussed to purchase for the Gym to be lowered for Games. Quotes presented ranged between $5000-$8000 for this depending on the size. Members shared that it seemed like an extravagant expense and opted to ask Jake if he could assist us in purchasing just a new flag. It could even be bigger than the one currently hanging and cost hundreds instead. Open Forum: Meal: The Booster Club is going to sponsor a meal for the Football Players next Thursday. We are interested in sponsoring a meal for Volleyball and possible other sports also. Discussed getting a wish list sent out to Coaches again. Question was raised about a mandatory Summer Volleyball Camp cost to players of $200, to attend a camp this past Summer and how come the school doesn’t pay for it. This question was recommended to ask Coach Lee. Thank You's from Ethan and Alexa were read that expressed their appreciation for the scholarship/financial assistance. Adjourned: 7:19pm Good evening, all. I am sending this email to all voting members of the Booster Club who attended the meeting tonight. Since the Booster Club meeting adjourned, I, as well as others, having been brainstorming how to address the issues of increasing attendance and what we can do to help these athletes know they are supported. My initial idea is one that would occur before our next scheduled Booster Club meeting, so I am using this email to put a motion on the floor. I am looking for two things. 1) Someone needs to 2nd this motion. 2) Everyone on the email string needs to reply all with a Yay or Nay vote. I move that, upon confirmation that it is in adherence with the by-laws, the Booster Club allocate up to $700 to cover admission for any attendee wearing a Huskies shirt to the Homecoming football game on Sept 20, AND up to $700 to cover admission for any attendee wearing a Huskies shirt to the Senior Night for volleyball on Sept 30. Discussion point: This would cover 100 additional attendees. Anyone with an activity ticket would show that for admission and therefore not be counted towards the 100. I would work to promote this on social media and ask each school building to send it out via Remind and/or their respective social media pages. Hopefully this would boost community attendance and community/school pride. These athletes are putting in a lot time and what a moral booster to see the stands full of Husky fans! I would also like to see this happen for all winter, spring and summer sports as well, but those can be voted on at upcoming meetings. (If needed, I am willing to talk whoever is taking gate at these events to make sure they understand and the ease of tallying attendees.) Also, if this would not be in compliance with our by-laws, I plan to approach a community business for each event to see if this is something they would sponsor. Thank you for your consideration of this idea. Again, please REPLY ALL with a vote either Yay or Nay and Jim will tally votes and reply all with Motion-Carried or Motion-Denied. Thank you, Lindsey Rechkemmer Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 6:30 OHS Library Call to Order: 9 people- Jim, Lindsay, Sarah, Derek, Cole, Terry, Anderson, Grace and mother Secretary’s Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Ryan was not able to be present. Sent via email. AD Report: Coaches Open Forum: None Old Business: New Business: Open Forum: A big Thank you to Derek Kuennen as this is his last meeting as he has resigned as AD at Oelwein. Adjourned: 7pm Next Regular Meeting planned for Wed Aug 7th, 2024 Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Call to order: 8 people (Jim, Lindsay, Sarah, Derek , Cole, Terry, Colin M, Ethan) Secretary Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer Report: Ryan not able to be present. Sent via email. AD Report: Derek reports Golf has started out well with some nice scoring by some. Middle school track has started. Approximately 23 7th & 8th grade boys and 20-21 7th & 8th grade girls are out. Tennis has had trouble with weather in getting meets played Coaches Open Forum: None Old Business: Athlete of the Month: No Male nomination. Kendra Rechkemmer, a Junior Tennis player, is our Female athlete. A Nutrition 21 card will be presented to her and her picture taken later this week. Disappointed in not always having many nominations to vote on routinely and we are working on this with coaches. Summer Concessions: Rather than one person taking this on, we will have a committee of people coordinating this. Lindsay Kuennen is going to be a point for Inventory/Ordering. Anna Steggall will assist and has info from what we did last year. Money handling/ deposits will be done by Veronica Prouty, Lindsay Rechkemmer, and Mindy Steinlage. Husky Fundraising Cards: These will be printed soon, We are excited to get these out. A motion was made and approved that the card can be used at the ball Complex. Terry states Scholarship Applications have been sent out twice. Two applications have been recieved, one female, one male. Approximately 3 ½ weeks remain to get them into us. Deadline is the 27th. Going to put it out on Facebook also. A three person committee will evaluate the submissions (Terry, Jim, Cole or Derek) New Business: Youth Track meet is May 4th, 1-3 pm. Reservations are coming in. Veronica Prouty will help with Gate. workers for concessions are needed. High Schoolers will be asked to work the meet. Ethan DeTimmerman talked about his Senior Seminar Project. Cost to the project is 4,750 and the booster Club approved a motion to pay for it. Ethan is in charge of proof reading the names and info that has been gathered. 24/25 Board Elections: Current members are interested in staying on. Elections to be held at the next meeting on May 1st. Members need to be present to be elected. Open Forum: A Thankyou was received from the Golf Teams for the purchase of golf balls. Adjourned 7:09pm Next Regular meeting: Wednesday May 1st, 2024 @6:30 in the OHS Library Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday March 13th, 2024 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order: 8 people Secretary’s Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Ryan Donations made Looked into Bound for Fundraising for the Booster Club and taking payments. Bound is a service our school already has. Derek and Ryan may want to talk to a Bound representative. No upfront payment is needed to use this service, but they take their cut as it comes in. Concern was raised about those who would only want to make payments in cash. It was shared that we can still take cash, but Bound would not allow us to promote that. Some schools are going cashless. Schools are using Bound more and more (2 currently in our District, possibly 7 by the end of next year). This would make things easier with state auditing if it was all online, and money would not need to be hand counted and deposited. Our school would like to wait on going completely cashless and let the transition to cashless happen until it is more widely used and accepted. Bound has been talking to our school recently about Bound Pro and the option of printing of programs and other things. For us, for fundraising, we need to find out what percentage they take and what tools they have. Athlete of the Month:Both presented with a Nutrution 29 gift card Nolan Lamphere-Senior Wrestler Alexa Berryman- Senior Basketball player AD Report: Derek presented Spring sports have begun. First track meet was last night. Winter Concessions made 10,729 last year, this year we made 13,806. Darcy Fuelling was a big part of this and had fun trying new things. Example: for a small fee the Ag Dept would Freeze Dry Candies like Skittles and with the markup for that it was a nice profit. Also it was recommended to us to sell the Dairy Queen Blizzards at the Ball Complex this summer, as they are very popular and Dairy Queen is easy to work with. Coach Lape was inducted into the Iowa Football Coaches Hall of Fame. Tennis- Josh Schunk coaching-22 girls are signed up, there were only 4 last year. There are Tennis sharing agreements with Wapsie and West Central. Wapsie has one and West Central has a couple. We would stay in the same classification. Open Forum: None Old Business: Summer Concessions: Talked to Ann who helps with the swim team concessions, she would be willing to help when needed. Derek is going to work on having workers sign up for concessions soon. Blackstone and a cooler need to be taken back out to the Ball Complex. They are currently in the Football & BB Concessions May 4th at 1pm, we are hosting a Youth Track Meet for 2-6th graders. Area schools have been sent the invitation. There is a $10 entry fee for each student and they may sign up for 3 running events and 2 field events. Help is needed to set up and run it and we will be providing concessions for this event. Jim will run the start gun, Ryan will do the announcing. Etan Detimmerman has reached out to all the coaches asking if they would like to have record boards made and what records they would like to see on them. He is coordinating this information and then they would be displayed generally in the areas where the sports are played. Some of the programs have stated amounts they would be able to contribute and some individuals have been willing to cover the cost for a certain sport. Ethan has a quote of $4,750 for vinyl signs to be printed. The Booster club would be willing to support this project so program funds can be used for other things and then the Oelwein Booster Club would be recognized on these signs for the donation to this project. Questions were asked if this was the best way to modem to display the records with records potentially needing updated as time goes on. Do we want to do vinyl signs where we have them reprinted as they are worn or needing updated or a different way such as electronically on a screen or a more old fashioned or tangible way where records would be manually updated on a board like with face plates. Discussion was tabled so as to have Ethan here to talk to us. Golf has requested the Booster Club to purchase of a 2 year supply of golf balls at $1040. This was approved. A lot of their budget was used on Uniforms and some clubs last year. They are a good golf ball and would have the Huskey logo on them. Golf is requesting 36 dozen for $29 a dozen (would be $39 retail) This gives the varsity golfer a new ball for every 6 holes in a meet or one or 2 balls for a 9 hole. Used balls are often used in practice and the kids save the new ones for meets. Adjourned 7:13 Next Meeting April 3rd 6:30pm Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, Feb 7th, 2023Parker 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order: 24 people present Secretary’s Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Ryan AD Report: Derek was gone, but had a couple questions for tonight. Is the Booster Club able to make a transfer of money to the general activities fund? Tabled till March- By-laws to be reviewed Is the Booster Club going to continue to run the Summer concessions at the Ball Compex? Yes Boys Varsity BB 7-14 for the season Girls Varsity BB 9-13 for the season Bowling 2 girls out, 5 needed to get a win Boys Bowling have had 3 wins Boys wrestling had wrestlers advanced to post season, No girl wrestlers advanced Middle School boys basketball 18 8th graders and 17 7th graders out Coaches Open Forum: Weightlifters asked if they can get more drinks for in the weightroom for girls and boys during zero hour and during the summer program. Also, asked for it to be approved for up to $3000 so reorders could be made throughout the year without having to ask each time they run out. This was voted on and approved. Old Business: Athlete of the Month-December Kinzie See- Sophomore Weightlifter Ethan Detimmerman-Senior Basketball player Athlete of the Month-January Tie for Male Athlete Parker Rhines-Junior Bowler Terick Pryor- Senior Basketball player Emma Schulmeister-Junior Bowler Summer concessions will continue to be run by the Booster Club. Ann Stegal will oversee it with Lindsay and a couple other parents willing to help her. Basketball Concessions sales surpassed last year’s sales. New Business: New High School softball uniforms are needed and have been ordered for approximately $3000. This covers 2 sets of tops and 1 bottom for each player. The Booster Club is being asked to cover $1000. Approved New Football headsets are needed. They were new in 2015 and a couple are broken and would need repaired. Possibly could pay to have them repaired, but this headset will be obsolete within the year. New ones would be approx $3100 with a $1400 trade in value. The Booster Club is being asked to cover $1000 for new headsets for Football. Approved New Football Down Marker is needed as the one we have is broken. Discussion was held for Flip version vs LED style. The Flip one would be $300 vs the LED $900. Concern for longevity of the LED style and cost. Dollars saved could better serve our students on other things. Flip version is to be ordered. Mike Vandenhaul is asking the Booster Club for $300 for a 1 year Subscription for a Record Keeping System to track athletes and communicate with others. Currently Google Docs is used and this new system would be much more friendly to have everyone on the same page. It is used by UNI and an athlete would have a profile with parent info, history, injury reports and treatment updates. Scholarships (Terry)- Two $500 scholarships will be offered (1 male & 1 female), the same as last year. These are to be given at Awards Night in May. Information will be sent out soon for those eligible to apply. Open Forum: Ryan is looking into ways for Online Donations to be made. More info to come as he looks into this. Ex. Paypal, Venmo For the Golf outing this year, it was suggested that maybe changing it up to keep it interesting. Taking Pledges for a Golf Marathon was suggested for this year. The Oelwein Community Education Assoc made a donation of $500 to our club which we thank them for. Donors list has been updated. Discussion was held for what should be paid for the entities that worked concessions this winter. It was suggested $200 a night would be appropriate. To be paid is: Class of 2026 $400 Class of 2027 $200 FFA $200 Girls BB $400 Volleyball $200 Cheer $400 A Total of $1800 We will let the Entities know that we have this money earmarked for them and will cut a check for them when they want it. Purple and Gold Bowls are a hit and a suggestion was made to continue serving this. It is Mac N Cheese with pulled pork on top. Adjourned: 7:11 Next Regular Meeting: March 6th, 2024 6:30pm Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, Dec 6th, 2023 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order:10 adults Jim, Lindsay, Sarah, Derek, Deana, Erin, Cole, Terry, Garrett Kiel and family. Secretary’s Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Ryan not present. Emailed in. AD’s Report: Derek
Coaches Open Forum-none Old Business:
New Business: none Open Forum: none Adjourned 6:46pm Next Regular Meeting Wednesday Feb. 7th 2024 @6:30 Oelwein Booster Club Minutes
Wednesday, Nov. 1st, 2023 6:30pm OHS Library Call to Order: 10 People Jim Prouty, Lindsay Rechkemmer, Sarah Michels, Derek Kuennen, Deana Smock, Erin Ryan, Jason Hoveland, Mindi Steinlage, Cole Thomas, Mike Mohlis Plus October’s 2 Athletes of the Month: Conall Sauser and Ashlyn Sauser Secretary’s Report: Read by Sarah Treasurer’s Report: Ryan Dietzenbach emailed it as he was not able to attend. AD Report:
Wrestling 17 boys, 10 girls, 2 managers 14 8th grade girls! 7 7th grade girls 6-8 MS boy wrestlers
Coaches Open Forum:
Old Business:
New Business:
Open Forum:
Adjourned 7:04 Next regular meeting Wednesday Dec. 6th ‘23 @6:30 |