NEW BUSINESS: Concession stand-
The May meeting of the Oelwein Booster Club was called to order at 6:32 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 3, 2023 by President Jim Prouty. There were 12 members and guests present. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented. AD, Jamie Jacobs, praised the Austin Pink event for being inspiring and engaging and thanked the Booster Club for sponsoring. Oelwein will host conference and regional girls golf. Boys golf, track and tennis all have upcoming sectionals, conference and regional meets. Senior Awards Night is May 17. Baseball and softball just started practice and we look forward to their upcoming seasons. A motion was made by Terry, seconded by Lindsey, to allocate up to $800 for prizes at the Booster Club Golf Outing to be held on June 10. Anyone interested in volunteering for this event should contact Ryan. Erin noted that prices will need to increase at our summer concessions stand due to increased costs. She’s currently waiting on info from Coke to place that order. Quotes for the baseball/softball cages are to be received by Friday, May 5 from 2 contractors. Jim will share the information provided so we can move forward before the next meeting. It was mentioned to consider asking for in-kind sponsorship for the materials needed. The scholarships had 7 applicants. Three members individually scored the applications and selected recipients will be announced and presented to at the awards night. Officer elections were held with all nominations being accepted and approved as follows: Jim Prouty - President; Lindsey Rechkemmer - Vice President; Jenn Berry - Secretary; Ryan Dietzenbach - Treasurer. The Youth Track Meet has been moved to the fall with a tentative date of August 26. A new flier will be created and distributed to nearby schools and programs as well as on social media. Terry noted the accomplishments of the Boys Tennis Team as they finished 3rd as a team, Nevin and Cooper finished 2nd as individuals, and Nevin and Kale took second as doubles. On May 16, 38 7th and 8th graders will visit Wartburg for a day of fun that includes a tour, lunch, Q&A with student athletes and The W. They earned the trip by being an active participant in multiple sports or fine arts offerings. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. The next regular meeting is Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the Oelwein High School library. The April meeting of the Oelwein Booster Club was called to order at 6:33 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 by President Jim Prouty. There were 17 members and guests present. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented.
Jamie Jacobs presented the AD report noting that boys and girls golf, as well as boys tennis, had some wins to start the season. She also noted new AED for buildings and the complex. A motion was made by Terry, seconded by Cole to allocate up to $3,000 for tarps for the baseball field. Motion carried. Erin is currently waiting on information from Missy in order to continue and update on summer concessions. A motion was made by Terry, seconded by Lindsey to allocate $2,300 to split the cost to upgrade the track timing system. Motion carried. Jason Gearhart volunteered to take charge of the Youth Track meet with a tentative date of May 6. Parker Sperfslage presented his request for $250 to host Austin Pink, a motivational speaker from Independence, speaking on Hope, Handling Adversity and Success, and Belief to all High School and Middle School athletes on May 1st at 10 at the Williams Center. There was a motion to approve made by Ryan, seconded by Lindsey. Motion carried. Election of officers will be held at the next meeting. Please consider serving. Terry shared that so far there are five applications for the scholarship. Due date is April 29. Cole said the golf teams are very appreciative of the push carts purchased by the Booster Club. Bob Lape asked for an update on the cages/building at the baseball/softball complex. We’re currently waiting on a quote. This will be added to future meeting’s agenda. The fundraising idea of a Cash Bash was presented as it’s been done by Wartburg and WSR very successfully. Information was provided as to what the event would entail and if it is something the Booster Club would like to pursue as a new fundraiser. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. The next regular meeting is Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the Oelwein High School library. Booster Club Agenda
Wednesday 3/1/2023 Call to order: 630 Secretary’s Report: As Posted Treasurer’s Report: Starting Balance $43,825.82 Received a check for $2,000 dueling pianos also a $100 Donation came in also. Ending Balance $45,623.40. AD Report: Academic awards go to Girls and Boys Cross Country, Girls Wrestling and Girls and Boys Basketball. Bowling had 2 bowlers advance. We hosted 2 Post season games for basketball. Track has started. Golf and Tennis will start 3/13. Middle school track will start 3/21. Just a reminder if you have pictures for touch screen in cafeteria please get them to Jamie. We are switching drink vendors from Pepsi to Coke. School has also signed a contract with NIKE for our uniforms. Track camera was updated and cost $4400. They will be asking next meeting for ½ of the cost. Working on youth track meet. Looking at having it April 22 or 29. More to come next meeting. Coaches Forum: Colin- Baseball had $8000 worth of work done on the baseball field. The tarps no longer fit and they will be asking for money to purchase new tarps. Terry-Middle school track needs new batons , Cross county uniforms and football needs new pants. We will discuss this at a later date Old business: Piano palooza. Made around $2600. They did raise the price from $2500 to $3000. Terry made a motion to have them again this year and Colin 2 nd Summer concessions. We would like to keep this going. Erin and Terry agree to take this over. Cross country banner: We finally got the bill for this $366 Mike made a motion to pay the full amount Erin 2 nd New business: Golf request: Cole is requesting a total of$1368 to purchase 6 push carts. Terry made a motion to purchase the carts ___________2 nd . Scholarships: We will do another $500 for each boy and girl. Terry, Ryan and Jim will be doing this. Weight lifting. Vanderloop was very thankful for the protein bars we had purchased. We would like to get some for middle school as well. Jeremy motioned to spend up to $1800 to purchase more and give some to middle school. Terry 2 nd Present: Ryan, Jamie, Colin, Cole, Jim, Terry, Jeremy, Jean, Michael and Erin Adjourned : 7:21pm Next Meeting Wednesday April 5 th , 2023 at 6:30pm The December meeting of the Oelwein booster club was called to order at 6:34 p.m. on Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 by President Jim Prouty. There were 18 members and guests present. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented.